JASPER RIFLE AND GUN CLUB ENDOWMENT #2434 for period 01/01/2016 – 12/31/2016
LEGACY – Your commitment through this endowment makes a lasting difference in Dubois County. The Dubois County Community Foundation is proud to administer our endowment.
IMPACT – This endowment was established for the perpetual benefit of the Jasper Rifle and Gun Club.
GIVING – Contributions to the Endowment to Date: $8,045.00
Beginning Value of the Endowment as of 01/01/2016: $6,501.75
Contributions to the endowment recorded during the reported period: $1,280.00
Investment Gain or (Loss): $408.64
Ending Value of the Endowment of 12/31/2016: $8,190.39